The Altar Server assists the members of the liturgical assembly by presenting or arranging vessels and other items used in the celebrations. Their reverent and efficient service enable other ministers to attend to their own roles while the liturgical actions unfold with calm, order and appropriate decorum. As members of the assembly who are often visible to all, the altar servers also model good liturgical participation.
- Assist with the preparation of the sanctuary and the proper care of sacred vessels before and after the Liturgy
- Use and care for various items used in the Liturgy (cross, candles, incense, sacramentary, etc.).
- Prepare altar or assist in doing so before the presentation of the gifts
- Assist with books and other altar accessories as needed
- Respond to special circumstances that may arise during the Liturgy
- Perform special tasks with dignity and otherwise participates fully as an exemplary member of the assembly
- Exhibit responsibility by serving when scheduled and taking part in rehearsals